Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Visitors from Over Seas

We have hosted guests from foreign countries but yesterday was the most interesting.  We got a call about 6 pm from a gentleman passing through Kansas City wanting rooms for the night and said he would make Omaha by 10:00.  Well, they hit bad weather and phoned saying it would be past 11 so Linda and I turned on the old Perry Mason reruns. 

At 11:30 they arrived, cold, tired and road weary.   We showed them their room and said we would check them in after breakfast.   Breakfast was at 9 am and what followed was a most delightful discussion about world affairs, their lives and jobs and their exploits in this country.  All three were in the late 20's, early 30's and very interesting people. 

Left to Right: Artem (Russia), Evy (Austria), Tommy (Lithuania)
Artem is a managing editor for a Moscow newspaper with ties with the Washington Post, Evy is a consultant and Tommy is a mutual friend.  They came to the States for business and took some time to drive around. 

They were going to the Duram and eat lunch at Old Market.  Evy had sights on the Candy Store we told her about and then they were heading to Hanibal, MO to see the Mark Twain sights tonight.   Quick trip! 

Who needs to subscribe to "The World News?"

1 comment:

  1. Dear Linda and Gordon,

    Thank you for the great stay, it was really one of the nicest places, we loved the Durham museum and tried the original soda fountain. We walked around the town and after frantically searching I found the candy store ;))). We ended our stay in the upstream brewery, were we seriously considered whether we could stay another day in Omaha, and come back to you guys. Our schedule in the end pushed us further, but we really marked Omaha as our favorite spot - meaning we will come back! You are really lovely hosts and hope that next time we get to spend more time, we will look forward to more talks. Thank you for making this truly a memorable stay :). Many greetings from Russia. Artem& Evy ;)
