Sunday, August 18, 2013

Nest Cleaning

We have hanging flower baskets on the porch and its necessary to water them every other day.  My "other chores" include feeding the fish, filling the bird feeders and watering the rest of our flowers. While enjoying a cup of coffee on the porch I  noticed a sparrow would land on the hanging basket and crawl in the foliage.  I took a closer look and found it had a nest which had 2 eggs.  I quiet watering and in a few days, the eggs hatched and eventually they fledged and flew off.  

The plants had died from lack of water and I took the basket down and examined the nest.  What I found was interesting and provided a "lesson."   Few would actually say they enjoyed "house keeping": however, if you were a bird you would find literally distasteful. 

Upon close examination, I found the inside of the nest remarkably clean.  However, there was a thick ring of bird droppings that surrounded the nest.  The only way those would have gotten there is by the parents cleaning and discarding their offspring's waste with their beaks.  I wonder if birds can spit?  

Friday, August 16, 2013

Wonderful People!

One of the great pleasures of running a Bed & Breakfast is the nice people you meet.  It gives you a whole different perspective of American folks than what the news portrays.  Linda and I both worked with the Public in our previous careers; we like and enjoy people.

We feel breakfast is a special meal; it is at home.  We eat with our guests and few get-away without telling us about the jobs, their families and their hobbies.  We've found conversation is an important feature of our business.  Breakfast generally takes a minimum of one full hour and often last 3.  Often, it takes another pot of coffee to finish up. 

On several occasions, we've had guests come down stairs in the evening to simply visit and often that produces a bottle of wine from someone.  The most recent bottle was shared with Boris and Theresa, a charming couple from Canada.  They stayed several days and by the time they left it felt we had known them for years.  
They surprised with a going-away gift: two bottles of wine an a beautiful holder.

Thanks; from Boris and Theresa
Most of our guests are older, our age or retired.  Yesterday we hosted a young lady from Chicago for a couple of days.  She was in her early 20's, charming and had come for a friend's wedding.  We normally find our younger guests less "talkative" but that wasn't the case here.  We had a two marvelous conversations over breakfast. It was a real treat.

We have guests books in each of our rooms for guests to leave messages.  Those are normally the first things we look at to get an idea if they had a good time.  Occasionally, we even find a "tip" on the dresser.  Today, after Kristina left we went up to start cleaning and found a "Display of Gifts" that included the sign:"Friends are Life's Greatest Gift".   How very true!
Kristina: Thank you Very Much!
     We certainly don't expect this.  When someone is this kind and generous, its a wonderful reward.  Kristina, we'll enjoy the tea, coffee, chocolates, Friends sign and your thoughtful words.  Thanks; Gordon and Linda.